IHAF Precheck Form


Applicants are required to complete the pre-application screening below prior to accessing the full application.

Please note that an application does not guarantee an award of financial assistance or halt foreclosure proceedings. Funds will be paid directly to mortgage servicers and vendors and will not be disbursed for approved applications until third-party verification of past due payment is received.

(* indicates a required question)

1. Are you applying for assistance with expenses related to your primary home, located in Iowa?*



Based on your response, your household is ineligible for the Iowa Homeowner Assistance Fund Program.

2. Do you occupy and own the home, or have a manufactured home or contract sale (buying under a legally recorded contract)?*



Based on your response, your household is ineligible for the Iowa Homeowner Assistance Fund Program.

3. Have you fallen behind on one or more of the following payments: mortgage, contract sale (buying under a legally recorded contract), manufactured home/lot rent or property taxes?*



Based on your response, your household is ineligible for the Iowa Homeowner Assistance Fund Program.

4. List your Mortgage Servicer or Homeowners with a contract sale (buying under a legally recorded contract) or manufactured home, please provide who you make your payment to.*

5. Please enter your email address:*

6. Please select your county of primary residence:*

7. Please select the number of members of your household, including yourself:*

8. Please select the income range of your household.*

Note: Supporting income documentation of every adult household member will be required in the full application.

Based on your response, your household is ineligible for the Iowa Homeowner Assistance Fund Program.

9. Have you been impacted directly or indirectly by COVID-19?*

Examples of indirect or direct COVID-19 impacts may include:

  • Experienced a reduction in household income
  • Incurred additional costs
  • Experienced other financial hardship
  • Lost a job or had hours reduced
  • Qualified for unemployment benefits
  • Lost access to childcare or dependent care



10. Do you have these documents in electronic format and ready for upload to the online application?*

File types accepted: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, zip or csv; File size limit: 20MB



11. I understand that an application submission does not guarantee that assistance will be provided or halt foreclosure proceedings.*



12. I understand that providing false, misleading or incomplete information may result in the application being declared void. I understand that it is a criminal violation under Iowa law to make a false statement in writing for the purpose of procuring assistance from a state agency.*



Let's first find out if you're eligible for the application.

Based on your answers, you may be eligible for assistance through the Iowa Homeowner Assistance Program.

Please continue to the application page to complete your application.

Note: The eligibility pre-application submission is not a guarantee of financial assistance.

Apply Now

Based on your response, your household is ineligible for the Iowa Homeowner Assistance Fund Program.

PLEASE NOTE: You may receive homeowner counseling services from Iowa Mortgage Help. Upon completion of homeowner counseling services, you may be able to access free, confidential legal services. You may contact Iowa Mortgage Help at: 877-622-4866.